Middle School The New High School! What is beginning to happen in our middle schools has already toxically permeated our elementary and high schools, but middle school (not unlike the middle child), has contentedly remained [...]

What A Parent Wants


                                       What A Parent Wants As A Parent Transitions From Mommy and Daddy, To Mom and Dad, To Mother and Father!  They go from being a Parent of dependent children to A Parent of independent [...]

Missed Life Signs


This is about an author reflecting back in life  Titled Missed Life Signs I served honorably and proudly in the United States Navy. I Was assigned to attend designation school, which is a four month [...]

The children of this generation are referred to as digital natives. Children and young adults, on the other hand, this is all that they know. They could not imagine what it was like to not have Internet, cell phone, and texting, listening to music on the radio and phonograph, having to change a record every time you wanted to hear something different. They have everything at their fingertips, instant gratification, no waiting. Imagine having to find a public phone or having to go to someone’s home to use a phone, being without a form of communication for hours on end (OMG). Or sitting in their room spending time with just themselves with no electronic devices (OMG). Communication today is now 24/7. The information is overwhelming. Gone are the days that calling after 10:00 p.m. would be impolite or inappropriate. And maybe they, some, still won’t call after 10:00 p.m., but they will surely text. There is no rest for the weary. May I quote a seventeen-year-old, “I spend about half of my day texting.” Even if it is not an accurate time measurement, their perception is their reality. So when we discuss stress and the anxiety-laden culture we live in, how could it be any different? Try smiling a real smile when you are very stressed. Some statistics say one out of every two Americans prefers communicating through an electronic device instead of face to face—sad. Being that it takes longer to type, email or text, rather than speaking, I find it an interesting conflict for those who are always in a rush, that do not have enough time. If nonverbal communication (body language, facial expression, energy, tone, etc.) is considered to be 85% to 90% of our communication skills for accuracy, what does it say about texting, which is the number 1 method of communication for our children and young adults? The direct impact of texting as the number 1 form of communication is the loss or non development of the number 1 form of communication, the use and understanding of nonverbal! A powerful tool needed for a greater sense of self-awareness (how you are being interpreted) and social awareness (how you are interpreting others)! Two of the skill sets of social/emotional intelligence